Thursday, March 12, 2020

Human Race and Cornavirus

I am neither an economist nor any ecologist to write this but this came into my mind and reminded me of something which I read few years back (references in the last paragraph). I belong to a millennial generation and is growing up in a digital world always surrounded by electronics items. But this phase of time is reminding me of the people of GI generation/ Gen-X, who witnessed pandemics of flus and the age of pestilence where humans saw the spread of infectious disease to a large number of people all across the world. 

Today the stocks are plunging and entering a bearish market. Volatility and stress is increasing in the economy. Universities and schools are getting closed, employees are recommended to do work from home. Grocery stores are running out of resources, including toilet papers, sanitizers and in the coming time some food. Airlines are cancelling flights and are waiting to loose billions in their sales.

Are we writing a prelude to some slump? Humans are technically progressing at a blistering pace. We are in the age of artificial intelligence, robotics, quantum computing, artificial births, implantations and what not. But despite all this, technical progress is unable to solve the fallibility of human nature (ref: John Gray- Is human progress an illusion?) and Garret Hardin's idea of tragedy of commons that humans should embrace a world of limits. Still diving and pondering over this.

Friday, June 19, 2015

And you can still be an upbeat after the cascade of failures.

A snippet from a beautiful poem - I demanded power from God, He gave me difficulties to increase my strength. I demanded a brilliant mind from Him, He gave me huge problems to solve them. I did not get what  I demanded but got what I actually needed.
There are many instances in life, where we fail, get disappointed/discouraged/demotivated to take a step further. But there is never a last try. Every try is a second last try.

 1. Fall as many times, but rebound to a higher height.

Fall will always lead to a rise. Be so hard that you always stand higher. And as said by some great author- "Be one of the rarest person, who does not know how to quit." Fall but rebound, rebound to a higher height, with a higher velocity. Bad Luck/poor fate may beat you several times but one day it will also fail.

Rebound Response Curve

2. The growth rate is higher after witnessing failures.

After you have tasted a failure, you know the solution/tactics to solve it. And you inadvertently also overcome fear of many other similar/even bigger failures/problems. You are now more dauntless because you have faced it and not escaped it. Your mind runs fast without burning more head on witnessed fiascos.

Growth curve


3. Every faulty/unpleasant thing that happens in your life - always holds a reason.

The defective/unpleasant things in fact are the  to your life. And it is a bitter truth that when things go utterly wrong you have to walk alone on the road and tackle it. Worst situations are just tests in your life to find the values of your endurance, potential and strength.

4. The zig-zags in your trajectory are just small hurdles.

Once you have fixed your eyes to the destination point, the complexities will appear small hurdles. You have to be both moderate - patient, look and listen carefully, wait  and an extremist - raise voice, vocal high whatever required. You are lucky that you have not followed the 45 degree trajectory but a zig-zag one- since you learned more and increased your maturity level while handling things knowingly/unknowingly.

PS - The graphs are drawn just to give a better idea.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Before you accelerate for 2015...

When you travel by a train, there can be two directions where seats are fixed. One is in the direction of the train and the other is in the opposite direction of train. You can occupy any of the opposite facing seats. When you sit in the direction of train, you see the areas that are yet to be covered and if you sit in the opposite direction you see the things which are already covered. Quite analogous to this, we can both envision the future and recollect the past.
P.S.- The above thought came into my mind when I was traveling to my home from Old Delhi Railway Station to  Hisar Railway Station.

It is the mid of the first month and most of you might have ended with your new year resolutions. At the start of new year we are pretty much enthusiastic about it and we plan a lot. We even ask others about their resolutions and by this time we might have started working on our plans. But before speeding ourselves to reach the target it is squarely important to check our previous year accomplishments which will help to fix new ones. Ask yourself few questions and find-

Was there something :

1.A real race
Which you did with complete hard and soul like a dog for a bone, like a cat for a rat? This could be the main course of your year. Unless and until the race cannot make you sweat or make your nights sleepless or cry, it is partial and cannot provide something concrete in your hands.

2. To bring into reality something required/need of hour
Which you never did, but then you eventually did? You were aware of this, it was on your mind but you never thought that you have to do this. You were zero at this but then you commenced it, completed it, learned it, earned it.

3. To bring into reality from the canvas of your mind
Which you always imagined and you always thought of but you DID that finally? This "imagined" can be anything you were crazy about or it was in your TO-DO list or it was something you thought you can never do.

4. To bring into reality from other world
Which was entirely NEW -this NEW means which you never saw, never thought, never imagined? And yes you feel great and super duper awesome after doing this NEW. It was never on your mind, you never thought of it or imagined it. It could be any action done in improvisation or inadvertently.

5. Fight for yourself
For which you stood up for yourself, you fought for yourself, against anyone? I do not mean fighting with arms and ammunition but with your strongest conviction and will power.

6. Fight for others
 Which you did to protect someone else or raised your voice for it? You did not bother about anyone else but saved that someone for the sake of humanity, for the sake to prevent someone to become a victim.

7. To bring a smile on others face
Which brought a smile on someone's face and that someone was not your relative or friend or parents, he/she was someone unknown? If you had done this something then you probably know how to be happy in worst of your times.

8. A contribution to your habitat
When you contributed a little "X" to the society? We always blame society, government or others for the present situation of our country. But did you try to make that change or step-forwarded to do some little bit?

9. To Bolster someone
Which made a change in the thinking of someone's else mind- uplifting someone from negative to positive, bringing someone realize his/her true potential or probably bringing someone out of the Impostor's syndrome?

10.You were trusted upon
When people at their hardest point of their times, trusted on you? When someone is in trouble they only share and contact with someone whom they can trust fully. It simply checks how much people rely on you.

11.Painting it Red
When you created some sweet memories? Sweet memories are created if - you laugh out so hard that your stomach starts paining, or you do something extremely crazy or you do something without using your mind or you do something taking entirely a risk. At times it is necessary to not use your brain.

AND finally
If you have really done few things, then it is for sure that there is difference between what you were an year before and what you are today. You are not at the same point, you have broadened the scope of your mind, you have improved on yourself, you have brought a difference in yourself. Cheers to the grand success of your zigzag adventurous journey -2014. You can set harder and tougher resolutions or goals for this year and start running ;)

In precise && concise terms-

Friday, November 28, 2014

Live in State- 0 or 1 , but not in between.

It is very easy to drive on a straight road . You drive smoothly and accelerate whenever you require. But you apply brakes at turns and sometimes you have to even stop.

Imagine that you are driving a car. Now you have to take a turn - left or right. Both the directions have a huge traffic , it is difficult to come back to other if you start driving on one. Alas!!! You are confused where to go.You are not certain in which direction you should turn. And other vehicles are honking on you because you are not moving. You have come to a halt.

In real life there are conditions which are analogous to the one above I mentioned. And you might have faced some situation when you are in dilemma , a position where you are confused where to go , a state of quandary when you are uncertain what to do , or a state when you have two conditions just opposite to each other and you have to decide where to go. This state of conundrum can eat your time and head like anything. But if you reach to a conclusion quickly , then - it will save your time and prevent any headache ,confusion or dilemma.

Let me delineate few cases -

First Case- Take Risks

State 0 is easily attainable . But you don't like it . And you are somewhat pressurized to choose it
State 1  is highly uncertain - you are not sure whether you will be able to achieve it or not - but if achieved then it is most favorable
What to do????

Choose State 1- I have reasons-
  1. The paramount reason is - YOU DON'T LIKE STATE- 0. If you don't like it , you cannot survive in that   state.You will be in trouble if you live in that state.   
  2. If you do not try State 1 , you will always regret . And after some time living in State -0  this will creep into your mind  , " If only I had tried State -1 then ..."
  3. Also in a worst case , if anyhow you fail utterly to attain State - 1 or you don't find anything according to State-1 , then you can reach to State- 0 .Though you might find it difficult to come back to State 0 . You might have to face diatribe but you are safe .This option is of negligible probability but I am just hedging your risk.. ;)


Second Case- Doubt means NO

State - 0 - seems interesting to you. You have never experienced this state but some experienced say that it is good.
State -1- You have experienced it little to test. You have not find anything interesting. And you are forced to choose this state.
And once you have decided then you cannot change .That is final.
What to do????

Choose State - 0 -because 

  1. The paramount reason - You have not liked State -1 . And you have tried to check it. You have not developed any interest during that span of time.You have got an indication - you are not sure - and if you are not sure , then it means - BIG NO.
  2. Though there is some risk while trying State -1 , but it seemed alluring to you -which means you will develop interest in it. Though it is still uncertain - but the State - 0 is already a no ,so try next.
  3. And this idea will never creep into your mind - " If only I had tried State -1"

Third Case- Take a jump

State -0 - You are currently in this state. But you are loosing interest in this field or there is something fallacious here.You have no surety here.
State -1 - You are not in this state. You can jump to this state. You have surety here.

It is very very difficult to jump from State -0 to State-1.It will be an onerous journey.But this is a last time if you want to jump or not. If you will not take jump this time then you cannot jump afterwards. 

What to do???

Choose State - 1 because

You have lost interest in State -0. You have reached a doubt and whenever there is a doubt - it is a Big NO.It is good that you have realized some doubt in the way.
It will not bring any regret on your face - " If only I had jumped at that time"

And assimilate these -

  • Always choose Quality over Quantity.
  • Always choose what your heart says over money.
  • Always choose what you have dreamed of over what you have not dreamed of.
  • Always choose what you like over what others like.
  • Always choose an option where you think you are free , you are relaxed over an option where you are not free or not relaxed or not comfortable.
  • Always choose an option which brings a smile on your face over an option which brings no smile on your face.

  • Always shun an option which brings a confusion or leaves a sign of a question mark on your face.A sign of confusion in some existing state - means A BIG NO. Leave it. 
  • Always shun an option where you have sensed some untruthfulness or deceitfulness. This is a sign of some great disaster. Leave it as soon as possible.
  • Always shun an option where you are not yourself or there is something which curtails you or your freedom.
          PS -  Giving a second chance to the above three is just worthless.

  • Sometimes it is required to play intellectually by checking the signs rather than going by sentiments or emotions.
  • Do not leave an option because it will take you out of your comfort zone or requires hard work. 

Make your decisions quickly.Try to reach either of states fast.A state in between 0 or 1 is always nocuous. Try to follow what seems right to you at the current point of time(present). You do not know about future ; make your present pleasant. Life is too short to waste time and head in exploring the same old options and standing at the same point. By that time you can do something else and find something NEW  and become HAPPY. Try to grab happiness rather than headaches.... :)

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Do you check the mirror??

Once glancing into the mirror, a question came to my mind- how would be the world without mirror?- Everyone else could have seen others except themselves. And why do we check mirror?- To check our outer appearance, to check our outer self. BUT...

Do we have a mirror to check our inner self? How can we check our behavior or attitude which we throw on others? How can we get to know the change is positive or negative? Are we relatively becoming better or worst? And should we really care about this or just the outer appearance is enough?

Most of the people might say- ' I don't care'. But if you say this then why are you worried about your outer appearance. Why do you look into mirror to correct your outer looks. Majority of us would say- it boosts the self-confidence, adds to  personality, adds to smartness. And for some it is merely to impress someone they don't know-and look good to others- [others can be anyone traveling on the same road]. Will Smith has very well said, "Too many people spend money they have not earned, to buy things they do not want, to impress people they do not like". Yes this is the truth!!

If you also stand in this queue then take a break and ask yourself WHY ?

Coming back to my previous question- Where is the mirror to our inner self? How can we a better person tomorrow than we are today? The questions seem to be little abstruse but answers are pretty simple. Live a life with your own written principles. Do good to others and for sure you will get something better. I am not saying break yourself, or kill yourself to do that but if possible, do something which can bring smiles on other's face. This will bring you internal happiness,  which is priceless :) :)  This will also clear trash accumulated in your mind (Garbage Collector  :P). And if you can't do this, then atleast do not do bad to others.

Your inner self always pings you if you commit something undesirable inadvertently or warns you if you think to commit something undesirable. Listen to that ping and be true to yourself- that is the real mirror!! DO CHECK THAT.


Sunday, November 16, 2014

Life is nothing but a continuous race !!

This is my first post on this blog. The idea came into my mind suddenly and I thought why not to give it a try. An old cliche you might have heard during your school days , specifically in 12th standard – “study this time and then you are done for the rest of your life”. But I tell you , you are never done . Every hard effort you make , the next step is still hard and the other next step is still harder.
Everyone of us has at least once in their lifetime might have thought of something magical , mysterious , adventurous to happen in life. Ironically we search for something outside of us , which we already have , we own , we live. The life which we live is indeed magical , mysterious and adventurous. We don’t know what will happen next , what tomorrow has set for us or what might we do the next day depending upon the situations. The conditions surrounding us may prompt us to do something unexpected , we have never thought of. It could be anything – literally any damn thing . The odyssey of life is a cascade of dares , the one who is capable to face these dares is the one who has really lived it.  Escaping or eloping is a pure sign of cowardice.
It is a continuous race , you have to run , and run and still run . Of course , you will be paid off but in due course of time . The more you run , the stronger you become. It is a never ending race . You have to run alone on your track , you have to compete no  one but yourself , you have to beat the  records but your own . You have to challenge no one but yourself. There will be many lucrative things or offers  which will tend to slow down your speed , but it all depends how you take it or what is on your mind.
There will be many hurdles all along the journey . A new blocker will be taken over easily as compared to the one which you have already experienced .You will meet new people , know more about the ones you already know , know more stories and again know a never ending  “more and new” . The crux is that every new second will bring something new and add something more . Neither you nor I can run away from it.
A worn out statement – ” There are 2 kinds of people ” . Indeed , a big Yes. But I want to differentiate it according to my criteria .The ones who are boring  – who keep picking the old challenges , who want to answer the known questions , who want to jump from a known height or who are always delighted to achieve something which is achievable. The second ones which I define are dynamic – they are the ones who try some different route so as to face new challenges , they want to answer to the new or the questions raised by themselves , they want to jump from some unknown height or they are always amused to work on something which is never achieved yet. For the second ones , everything is theirs. There is nothing which is burrowed or copied.
Answer depends on you , because the life is yours , the experience you gain is yours, the happiness is yours and the race is also yours. Whatever lies to your side , just keep on running!! RUN < RUN < RUN
You comments will obviously make a difference.Hope you enjoyed it.