Friday, June 19, 2015

And you can still be an upbeat after the cascade of failures.

A snippet from a beautiful poem - I demanded power from God, He gave me difficulties to increase my strength. I demanded a brilliant mind from Him, He gave me huge problems to solve them. I did not get what  I demanded but got what I actually needed.
There are many instances in life, where we fail, get disappointed/discouraged/demotivated to take a step further. But there is never a last try. Every try is a second last try.

 1. Fall as many times, but rebound to a higher height.

Fall will always lead to a rise. Be so hard that you always stand higher. And as said by some great author- "Be one of the rarest person, who does not know how to quit." Fall but rebound, rebound to a higher height, with a higher velocity. Bad Luck/poor fate may beat you several times but one day it will also fail.

Rebound Response Curve

2. The growth rate is higher after witnessing failures.

After you have tasted a failure, you know the solution/tactics to solve it. And you inadvertently also overcome fear of many other similar/even bigger failures/problems. You are now more dauntless because you have faced it and not escaped it. Your mind runs fast without burning more head on witnessed fiascos.

Growth curve


3. Every faulty/unpleasant thing that happens in your life - always holds a reason.

The defective/unpleasant things in fact are the  to your life. And it is a bitter truth that when things go utterly wrong you have to walk alone on the road and tackle it. Worst situations are just tests in your life to find the values of your endurance, potential and strength.

4. The zig-zags in your trajectory are just small hurdles.

Once you have fixed your eyes to the destination point, the complexities will appear small hurdles. You have to be both moderate - patient, look and listen carefully, wait  and an extremist - raise voice, vocal high whatever required. You are lucky that you have not followed the 45 degree trajectory but a zig-zag one- since you learned more and increased your maturity level while handling things knowingly/unknowingly.

PS - The graphs are drawn just to give a better idea.


  1. Absolutely.. You shouldn't be afraid of failures. Think of them as bugs in your code which got exposed.. Thus making it more clean and correct.. But it's not easy.. It requires a lot of courage.. One needs to train her mind to be like that..

  2. Nice way of representing facts about success and failure. Good job! Keep on writing, waiting for more motivation :)
